Navigating Wireless Promotions

Expert Tips for Navigating Wireless Promotions, Unlimited Plans and Saving Money

Do you think managing your wireless expenses is easy now? After all, many companies have all lines on an unlimited plan. If so, think again. Read below to find out why it’s more difficult than ever before.

Shared Plans aren’t Dead yet

Legacy shared plans still exist. The savings aren’t as great as they once were, and there can be a risk if not managed. But there are situations where they can drive significant savings.

Understanding Unlimited Plans

Did you know that there are various unlimited plans and there can be a $20 monthly range in pricing? It’s important to know what the various plans offer and why they are priced so differently. But that’s not the hard part.

The Evolution of Equipment and Rate Plan Pricing

Some unlimited plans may give the carrier the right to slow down your data at any time, while other plans may guarantee a certain amount of GBs before slowing down. Some of the higher-level plans may include other unrelated features.

In the past, equipment and rate plan pricing were two separate expenses on the same bill. Equipment was relatively inexpensive and was often provided free with a new line and even an upgrade. The customer only had to worry about their rate plan pricing. Frustrating as it was with all the shared plan options, it was more manageable than untangling today’s interrelationship with equipment.

Remember When Phones Were Inexpensive? Here’s Why It’s Different Now…

Now, equipment and rate plan pricing are interrelated. A few short years ago, most companies could purchase a brand-new iPhone at a maximum price of $199 with a 2-year contract. Now, the list price on an iPhone 15 starts at $829.99, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max 1 TB lists for $1,599.99. The list price is divided evenly over 36 months. Due to intense promotional activity, most companies don’t pay the full list price most of the time. There are usually multiple promotions going on simultaneously, all with their own pros and cons. Most have plan requirements which often drive up your rate plan expense.

So… How Much Is that Free Phone Really Costing You?

The important point is you need to know the impact the equipment promotion has on your plan, and if you are better off taking the promotion or not.

Do most carrier reps provide full transparency and the all-around cost impact? I’m afraid not.

Would you know if a promotion wasn’t applied because the correct plan wasn’t selected?

Navigating Promotions and Plans

What should the customer do? How can the customer navigate all the promotions and understand which one provides the best combination of equipment and plan?

For starters, when the Carrier Rep or Agent says with excitement, “I can get you a free phone,” always ask these questions:

  • What impact will it have on my plan?
  • Will my rate go up? And by how much?

Keep in mind that the carriers aren’t embracing this pricing model to make less money. Always make sure to get the full picture, which includes the rate plan and equipment costs.

Managing wireless expenses is more complex than ever before. By understanding the intricacies of equipment promotions and their impact on your rate plans, you can make more informed decisions and avoid unnecessary costs. Remember it’s the total cost that matters. Don’t be fooled by half the story. Always ask the right questions and stay informed to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible.

JAS Wireless Can Help

For expert assistance in managing your wireless expenses, reach out to JAS Wireless. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of wireless plans and promotions to ensure you get the best value for your business.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you save on your wireless costs and simplify your wireless management experience.

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